The Prout School is a college-preparatory school with a curriculum designed to challenge all students and to prepare them for college-level work.

Students are encouraged to discuss programs and plans for the future with parents, teachers and a guidance counselor. Above all, each student is urged to work to the best of his or her ability. Faculty and administration are ready to assist in the development of each student’s future potential for college readiness.

Access the 2024-2025 Program of Studies

IB Program

The Prout School was the first high school in Rhode Island to offer the prestigious International Baccalaureate Program. And we have been providing this opportunity to students for over 20 years. 

Core Curriculum

Students must earn at least 24 credits to receive a Prout diploma. Students fulfill the credit units under the graduation requirements in each of the stated academic areas. 


Through electives, Prout students can explore new areas of interest in preparation for selecting a direction in college or further challenge themselves in a creative pursuit. 

Academic Support Services

We empower students to become independent learners and self-advocates with their peers, in the classroom, and in everyday life.

AP Program

Advanced Placement (AP) courses are courses that follow a prescribed curriculum and course guidelines provided by the College Board. The courses are designed to be equivalent to rigorous college level courses in those subjects.

Prout's National Merit 

The Prout School is pleased to announce that Gavin Girard ’23 has been named National Merit Scholarship Finalist and is now being considered to receive a National Merit Scholarship Award.

The 68th annual National Merit Scholarship Program recently determined which of the thousands of Semifinalists met all requirements to advance to Finalist standing in the competition. The distinction places the young men in a group representing less than 1% of all high school seniors in the country, including the highest-scoring entrants in each state.

The National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships. High school students enter the National Merit Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Of the 1.5 million entrants, some 50,000 with the highest PSAT/NMSQT Selection Index scores qualify for recognition in the National Merit Scholarship Program. 16,000 students, or approximately one-third of the high scorers, were notified in September that they qualified as Semifinalists. To ensure that academically talented young people from all parts of the United States are included in this talent pool, Semifinalists are designated on a state-representational basis. 

Every Finalist will compete for a $2,500 National Merit Scholarship that will be awarded on a state-representational basis in the spring of 2023.  There are three types of National Merit Scholarship awards: $2500 National Merit Scholarships, Corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards, and College-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards. 

In addition to Gavin’s success on the PSAT, Prout is pleased to have four Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Cara Eaton ’23, Jesse Fitzelle-Jones ’23, Victoria Jacobs ’23, and Claire Lewis ’23. About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the 2023 competition for National Merit Scholarship Awards, Commended Students placed among the top 50,000 students who entered the competition by taking the 2021 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying test (PSAT/NMSQT).