We acknowledge each student as unique in his or her learning, means of processing information, problem solving approaches, and ability to use information. We also believe each student has the right to experience academic success through hard work. We empower students to become independent learners and self-advocates with their peers, in the classroom, and in everyday life.

We do recognize that students may have disabilities in learning, emotional, physical or other heath related areas. For those students admitted with a documented disability (Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), 504 Plan or private school plan, completed within the last year, or a neurological or psychology evaluation completed within the last 3 years), The Prout School offers an Academic Support Service that provides students with basic strategies, academic skills and the knowledge necessary for them to realize their full potential. Our inclusive community recognizes the additional challenges many of these students face. 

Our school is designed for students who are capable of completing a four year college preparatory curriculum. As IEP’s and 504 plans are under the jurisdiction of public schools, The Prout School, as a private school, is not legally required to implement them nor does the school agree to alter and/or modify its curriculum to accommodate the specific needs of individual students.  

We do offer reasonable accommodations dependent on resources and personnel to assist students with learning differences and disabilities in their day to day classes. 

Accommodations are determined on a case by case basis and MAY include the following:

Additional Programs