The Prout School and the Diocese of Providence want to make a Catholic education affordable by allocating funds for need-based tuition assistance. Awards are based on the applicant's ability to pay tuition as determined by the information submitted on the application form to the FACTS Management Company.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, 45% of our students received some financial assistance. All awards are based on a family's financial need and the availability of financial aid resources. Please refer to the instructions below for applying for financial aid. The Prout School and the Diocese of Providence utilize FACTS, a national tuition and financial assessment company, to allocate funds and determine the amount of aid to be awarded to a student.
Crusader Grant
Current 8th grade students from our Catholic partner schools are eligible for a $1,000.00 tuition grant for '25-'26 for The Prout School. This Crusader Grant will be offered to students attending Prout after graduating from a Catholic elementary school in recognition of their Catholic preparation. This grant will follow students for all four years as long as they remain a student in good standing.
Financial Assistance for New Students
The Prout School and the Diocese of Providence offer tuition assistance grants to eligible families. The application process for the 2025-2026 school year opens November 15, 2024. You may use your 2023 financial information and update the information on your account once you have completed your 2024 tax returns.
- Go to: FACTS Payment Plans and Grant & Aid Financial Needs Assessment
- Follow instructions on creating a new account.
- Please fill out application completely.
- Student ID is student(s) first and last names.
Financial Aid packages for new students who apply by the deadline should be sent out on January 24, 2024 with acceptance packages.
Financial Assistance for Existing Students
- Go to: FACTS Payment Plans and Grant & Aid Financial Needs Assessment
- Log-in with your FACTS account information.
- Student ID is student(s) first and last names.
- Re-apply with 2021 tax returns and 2022 W-2 information, if available. If you do not yet have your W-2, apply anyway and you can upload that later.
Financial aid may also be obtained through your parish. Contact your parish regarding their application process.
2024-2025 Costs
- Tuition: $16,850
- Contractual Fundraising: $240 Bonanza Raffle tickets
- Uniforms: School uniforms approx. $80-130; Gym uniforms approx. $25
- Books: $150-$200 per year
Payment Plan
For the 2025-2026 school year, all families will be required to pay tuition through the FACTS On-Line Payment System. If you are currently registered with FACTS, you will automatically be registered for the new school year.
Families can make tuition payments using one of the following on-line options:
- One Payment: Payment due on or before June 1, 2025. There is no FACTS fee for this option and you are eligible for the $100 discount.
- Two Payments: Installments are due on or before June 6, 2025 and December 5, 2025 respectively. There is no FACTS fee for this option.
- 10-Month Plan: Payments commence on June 6, 2025 through March, 2026. FACTS Fee: $43.
- 11-Month Plan: Payments commence on June 6, 2025 through April, 2026. FACTS Fee: $43.
Please follow the instructions below to register for tuition payment plans:
- Go to: FACTS Payment Plans and Grant & Aid Financial Needs Assessment
- Log-in with your FACTS account information.
- Student ID is student(s) first and last names.
- Go to the tuition payment plan section.
- Please fill out application completely.
FACTS payment plan registrations for the 2025-2026 academic year must be completed by Wednesday, March 15, 2025.
If you have any questions about the freshman or transfer student Financial Aid process, please contact Sharon DeLuca, Director of Admissions at (401) 789-9262 x 514.
All other questions about financial aid, the application process or the payment process, should be directed to the Prout Business Office at (401) 789-9262 x 545.
Merit Scholarships
There are eight scholarships available for the top four female and the top four male entrance exam scorers. Scholarships are renewable for all four years for students in good standing.
Sister Dolores White Scholars
receive a 50% tuition scholarship.
Louise Pearson Scholars
receive a 35% tuition scholarship.
Dr. Timothy Cook Scholars
receive a 20% tuition scholarship.
Brother Edmond Precourt Scholars
receive a 10% tuition scholarship.