The study of theatre provides students with experiences that build confidence and gives students opportunities to be creative and collaborate with others.
Involvement in theatre can expose students to other cultures, times, and literature while building and developing interpersonal skills. The auditorium is always a busy place, with classes in acting, technical theatre, foundations of theatre and musical theatre, as well as afterschool rehearsals and performances.
Three main stage productions are performed each academic year. Rehearsals are coordinated with Prout sports schedules so participation in an athletic pursuit one season won't preclude a student from participating in the theatre program during his or her off seasons.
Class Descriptions
- Foundations of Theatre - This class is designed to introduce students to the basics of theatre production and acting. The class will cover theatre vocabulary, understanding body language, vocal techniques and public speaking. Students will be exposed to different acting techniques and improvisation.
- Acting I - The purpose of this course is to further a student's skills in drama as a literature, craft and performing art. This is a performance-based class. Major areas of study include scene study, monologues, acting exercises, character development, and script and character analysis.
- Musical Theatre I - This class will explore the history of American Musical Theatre from 1910 through the present day. Different styles of music, dance and performance will be explored. Scenes and songs will be learned from each decade.
- Musical Theatre II - This performance class will explore the different types of solo and group work. Weekly presentations are made in class and several performances are given during the semester.
- Technical Theatre - In this class, students work independently and collaboratively on selected projects in the technical (backstage) areas of theatre. These are set construction, costumes, sound, lights, design work, etc. A wide range of projects allows students to work creatively. Teamwork, cooperation and dependability are stressed, and each student is expected to meet deadlines.

Valerie Remillard
Valerie has joined the Prout Visual and Performing Arts Department as the Theatre Teacher and Director. She ran a sole proprietorship for over 20 years through which she taught theatre classes and directed productions in many schools and community organizations around Rhode Island. Valerie is also a professional actress and singer and earned a degree in Theatre and English Dramatic Literature from Wheaton College, Norton, MA. She holds certifications in Trauma Informed Compassionate Classrooms, CPR, Mental Health First Aid, and Consent Culture for K-12 classrooms.