Life at Prout
School Calendar
View the 2024-2025 school calendar
Town Busing Information for 2024-2025 (not for private busing which includes Coventry/EG, Warwick/Cranston and Aquidneck Island). The Statewide Student Transportation System is open to receive student transportation requests for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. To ensure a bus stop for the first day of school next year, both current and new riders must register by July 31, 2024.
South Kingstown bus riders request for transportation for 2024-2025.
South Kingstown Bus Registration
North Kingstown bus riders request for transportation for 2024-2025. Registration requests must be complete by August 13, 2024.
North Kingstown Bus Registration
Exeter/W Greenwich bus riders request for transportation for 2024-2025. Registration must be complete by August 13, 2024.
Exeter/W Greenwich Bus Registration
Westerly Bus request for transportation for 2024-2025.
For Warwick/Cranston, Coventry/East Greenwich and Aquidneck Island the busses are run by The Prout School. Return the Transportation Contract form to The Prout School.
Please note: the bus fee can be paid by check or added to your FACTS payment plan.
Textbook Information for 2024-2025
Below is information from towns about borrowing textbooks for the school year. Check with your town for special instructions on dates and times for book returns and how to order textbooks for next year. Some towns are listed below.
- Narragansett Book Return Information
- Exeter/West Greenwich Book Return Information
- Portsmouth Book Return Information
- Coventry Book Return Information
- Cranston Book Return Information - Check Cranston website
- Johnston Book Return Information
- Middletown Book Return Information
- Newport Book Information
- Smithfield Book Return Information
- South Kingstown Book Return Information
- East Greenwich Book Information
- West Warwick Book Information Order Form
- Warwick Book Information
- Chariho Book Information
Students from North Kingstown can mail in or drop off book orders to The Prout School Main Office during the summer.
All towns require that students return books borrowed for the current year before they will accept orders for the next year.
- Uniform Grid
- Tommy Hilfiger Global School wear. The Prout code is PROU01.
- Donnelly's website. At the start of this year, we will allow for some flexibility with uniforms, with students allowed to wear uniform pants, shorts or skirts and Prout polo shirts. Skirts and shorts must have solid white or solid black calf-high or knee-high socks.
- One new addition are pants that many young women have been getting from Amazon as an alternative to our uniform vendor dress pants that we are allowing. These are dress pants with boot cut bottoms with back pockets in Charcoal Dark Gray only. You can find them here. No other yoga pants are allowed.
Important Athletic Information: The ALL sports meeting will be held in the auditorium on Thursday, Aug 22, at 7pm. Any student planning to try out for any sport in any season is required to attend with a parent/guardian.
Summer Camp Information Summer Camp Registration
Medical Records
All incoming freshman and transfer students are required to (1) complete a health profile on Magnus Electronic Health Record as well as (2) the State of Rhode Island Physical Form including immunizations prior to the start of the academic year. (3) Complete a yearly Action Plan with physician's signature if your student has an allergy, asthma, seizures, or diabetes.
A series of Athletic forms need to be completed to participate in athletics.
Student Health Forms
- Notes from the Nurses Office [PDF]
- RI Dept of Health Physical Form [PDF]
- Prescription Medication Policy [PDF]
- Prescription Authorization Form [PDF]
- Over the Counter Authorization [PDF] Form
- New Student and International Registration [PDF]
Athletic Forms
- Assumption of Risk Form [PDF]
- Athletic Pre-participation Form [PDF]
- Bus Form [PDF]
- Concussion Risk Form [PDF]
Other Forms

Purchase Lunch Cards
Ask any Prout alum and they'll tell you: Dan's lunches are the best, especially the cookies!
Parents can purchase "credits" in twenty dollar increments usable for lunch and snacks at The Prout School.