Life at Prout
The goal of Campus Ministry is to help students grow in their own identity, their relationships with others, and most importantly, their relationship with God.
We uphold the teachings of the Gospels and of our Catholic faith, and we strive to be a tangible witness to Christ on campus. Our door is always open to students, and they can get involved in a variety of ways. Here is glimpse into some of the ways we seek to live out Christ’s love on campus:
Liturgy & Spiritual Life
- Mass celebrated as a community about once a month and on holy days.
- Morning prayer each day on the intercom.
- Advent and Lent prayer services
- Opportunities to experience the beauty of the liturgical year through Prayer Services and school-wide Assemblies.
- Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent and Lent.
- Prayer at the beginning of each class.
Service, Charity, Justice & Peace
- Christian service hours: opportunities to grow in service.
- Contact with local charitable organizations that need help.
- Fundraisers, drives and collections for people and agencies in need.
- Group opportunities for service and service trips.
- Campus Ministry Council helps plan service opportunities.
Class Retreats
- Peer Ministry Program that plans and leads retreats.
- Annual retreat for every class.
- Faculty Retreats
Contact Lily A. Araujo
Director of Campus Ministry
(401) 789-9262 x 543

Our Campus Chapel
Our campus chapel, “Emmanuel Chapel,” reminds us that God is with us! Jesus Christ stands at the heart and center of the Prout community.
The Blessed Sacrament is always reserved in the Emmanuel Chapel for personal prayer and adoration. The reservation of the Holy Eucharist in the tabernacle reminds us that Jesus continues to live among his people sacramentally.
The Emmanuel Chapel is open during regular school hours and all are welcome to visit!