The Student Council serves as the students’ voice in school policy decisions. It is comprised of representatives from each of the grades, as well as at-large members of the student body.

Prout's many student council activities represent the heart of our school. Student Council leads the way when it comes to teacher/staff appreciation, responding to disasters in our world, giving back to our community, and creating fun and fellowship within the Prout family. 

During the holidays, the student council leads the way in helping those less fortunate with turkey baskets at Thanksgiving, a Lenten Rice Bowl campaign during Lent, and a toy drive at Christmas. 

Of course, Prout students especially look forward to friendship-building traditions at our school, organized by the student council. Small teams of students get creative during the Gingerbread House competition and the Halloween costume competition. 

Spirit Week, in the fall, is a full week of friendly competitions—tug of war, pie-eating, three-legged race, Jeopardy, banner painting, duct-tape dress design—pitting each of the four classes against one another. Traditionally, seniors wear blue, juniors wear red, sophomores wear white and freshmen wear black. The week culminates in a Battle of the Classes, with bragging rights—and the Otto doll—going to the winning class.