Since its founding days, philanthropy has played a key role in the growth of The Prout School. Philanthropy is often the difference between a good school and a great school, between moving forward or staying static.

Ways To Give

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. There are many ways to contribute financially to The Prout School. 

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The Prout Fund

Since tuition does not fully cover the total cost of educating Prout students each year, The Prout Fund exists to ensure the financial health of the school so that Prout can continue to offer a high-quality, well-rounded Catholic education to its students.

Like every other Catholic and private school, we rely on charitable contributions to help us bridge the gap between the cost of running the school and the total amount of tuition we receive. We estimate that this gap is about $900 per student, which assumes each student pays full tuition.

Charitable donations have enabled us to accomplish a great deal to benefit our students, including:

  • Extend financial aid to our families,
  • Add batting cages to our campus,
  • Update the sound system in the theatre,
  • Create a weight room,
  • Refurbish the cross and tower at the center of our school,
  • Install cameras in our gym,
  • Enhance the school’s safety features via lighting, cameras, etc.,
  • Purchase classroom technology,
  • Respond to COVID 19, and even
  • Send our championship robotics team to the regional playoffs in Scranton, PA!