Since tuition does not fully cover the total cost of educating Prout students each year, The Prout Fund exists to ensure the financial health of the school so that Prout can continue to offer a high-quality, well-rounded Catholic education to its students.

The Prout School asks alumni, parents of alumni, parents of current students, faculty, staff, and other friends of Prout to prayerfully consider a gift to The Prout Fund each year.

Why is it important that I give each year?

Your participation in The Prout Fund tells a story to – and will powerfully influence -- other potential funders: you care about The Prout School, its students and its mission.  As the Prout Fund grows, so does the school’s “culture of philanthropy”, which means Prout will always have the resources it needs to serve its students in an ever-changing world.

What does my contribution support?

Your contribution supports every aspect of a Prout education, everything that makes a Prout graduate so uniquely ready to fulfill his or her potential:

Can I pledge now and make payments over time?

Of course! Make a pledge to The Prout Fund and take up to 12 months to pay it off - make payments monthly or quarterly. Pay by check or credit card.